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Space for Company Seeking High VisibilityInquire about Listing ]

Rent: $25.00 per square foot
Rooms: 21
Square Feet: 8920

Location: Tarrytown

Description: 14 exterior widowed offices, 2 corner partner size and 2 interior offices. 2 conference rooms, wet pantry, file, storage and server room, on premise cafeteria. Highly visible location.
  • 24 Hour Access
  • Cafeteria
  • Card-key access
  • Central A/C
  • Elevator
  • On-Site Security
  • Parking

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    ©2005 Winslow & Company LLC - Commercial Real Estate
    find westchester office space
    Joshua Winslow - President
    Paul Maass - Associate Broker

    1 Hall Avenue, Suite 2C, White Plains NY 10603
    Tel: 212.982-8484 x 22 | Fax: 212.982.6633

    853 Broadway, Suite 1710 New York NY 10003
    Tel: 212.982.8484 | Fax: 212.982.6633

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